0113 260 8752 07808 096170 [email protected]

Business Growth

All businesses need to grow to survive – standing still is never an option. Whatever sector you are in, finding more revenue from your activities is essential. If you would like help that delivers business growth, read on.

Our approach is very simple. We help you work out who it is you want to help, and how you help them. We then help you to develop the approach that will get you in front of your prospective clients through offering this help. Sounds simple, and you are welcome to take this method and apply it yourself. If you would like some help to develop this for yourself, please let us know and we will gladly talk you through it.

We are experts in embedding this approach into your networking activity as this works for most businesses seeking to grow. You can also apply this to your marketing activity both in real and virtual worlds. And if you don’t want to take our word for it, this is similar to the techniques used by multinational corporations to persuade you that their brand of soap powder is the one you should buy. If it works for them...

So if you want a proven method that will help with business growth through finding more customers and making more money as a result, you know what to do.


"Ode to a superhero business advisor

He wears his pants outside his trousers
And then identifies your needs
He's the smartest of business advisors
A Scottish superman from Leeds

With superfantastic advising
He's helped us land a dream contract
And he does it with government funding
So Mr Wolverine beat that.

A teenage mutant ninja shelled thing
Has got nothing on Andrew G
So if your business is starting or growing or floundering
He's the Batman of Business, that’s he."

Sarah Crooks
Little Epic Ltd.