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Sustainable Revenues

At Business Services Leeds Ltd, we have a successful approach to developing sustainable revenues that is proven to work, helping you realise commercial value from your activities.

With austerity biting, and ever more people chasing ever smaller pots of funding, sustainable revenues are a holy grail for most third sector charities, social enterprises and community companies as part of a balanced approach to sustaining operations.

Our process starts with an exploration of the services you provide, and the outcomes you deliver for the other agencies that support your clients. We then identify the best ways to approach them. If you can help them with their outcomes, there are three possibilities. They will:

  • Contribute some of the budget reserved to deliver these outcomes.
  • Apply for funding on behalf of your project to enable further work.
  • Be happy to measure evidence of success which will help with future funding bids.

For example, if you are supporting children, it is likely that your beneficiaries will also receive support from agencies including Education. If the work you do helps improve educational attainment, then you have the basis of a conversation.

We then embed skills with you, building capability to develop these opportunities. This approach helps all activities to be focused on developing sustainable revenues, making a difference in the long-term.

This approach also helps narrow the field of potential funders who would be interested in receiving a grant application from you, and enhances the chances of successful awards.

We focus on building capability within your team, helping you to look afresh at the area of charity funding so you can find security of revenue and service provision that is within your control.


"Andrew gave a presentation for me at a recent networking event I was co-ordinating. He was flexible enough to be able to adapt his presentation to the requirements of his audience, and really engaged his listeners. The content was informative, easy to follow and very useful! I have always found Andrew to be extremely helpful, and very reliable. I am happy to recommend his work."

Candy Squire-Watt
Enterprise Coach