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Finding Funding

The constant challenge of the third sector organisation is finding funding for the good works delivered. Every third sector manager is constantly thinking of the funding situation, desperately seeking sustainable revenues while worrying about the available grant funding and the latest grant application. We have a simple approach that helps develop third sector sustainable funding streams from your activities. And by the way, activities do not include charity shops and community cafes!

We start from the simple premise that every service provided by third sector organisations has a value to more than the immediate beneficiary. If you can work through the process of establishing the value for other agencies or organisations then you can take your offer to them in language they understand, and with the benefits they will enjoy as the reason for the conversation.

For example, if you are working with children, how are you helping their schools? Can you equate your services to improvements in educational attainment? If so, the school will have some budget for this, and they may be interested in sharing it with you.

This is a process that delivers sustainable revenues from activities, and also helps you to focus your grant funding applications on the funding bodies that are seeking the outcomes you can deliver.

We help you to be laser focused on this activity, saving you time and making you money. Sounds too good to be true? For examples and contact details of people we have helped with this, just get in touch.


"Thanks also for the excellent workshop, which was timely for me. I turned fully freelance (as a trainer, university teacher and deliverer of/trainer of staff to deliver a motivational programme called Goals) 6 years ago, and after a bumpy start I was suddenly booming for 2-3 years, since when business has been declining slowly. It took me until recently to realise that it had been too fortunate a start, in that I had never had to learn how to build the business, and that’s what I’m eagerly doing now, so thanks for the help!"

Nicola Walker
University of Huddersfield