0113 260 8752 07808 096170 [email protected]

Partnership Working

The funding market is reducing in size, with ever more people chasing ever smaller pots of funding. More funders are seeking partnership working between third sector and private sector organisations. We are happy to be the private sector part of this process if it helps us to help you find funding so that we can work together to make a difference.

We are happy to help your organisation to develop the sustainable revenues strategy with a view to finding potential funders for the projects we can deliver. More and more funders are offering support for projects geared around sustainability in the third sector and we are the ideal partners for this activity. We have the track record and the evidence of delivering sustainability for our clients in ways that last far longer than our intervention!

In addition to our partnership working skills, we in turn have developed strong partnerships with other consultancy organisations that work in this area, bringing specialist skills to the challenge of finding funders seeking similar outcomes, and spotting when they are open for applications. Together we can make this process more efficient, more productive, and ultimately more beneficial to our clients – the people who need our help!


"Andrew gave a presentation for me at a recent networking event I was co-ordinating. He was flexible enough to be able to adapt his presentation to the requirements of his audience, and really engaged his listeners. The content was informative, easy to follow and very useful! I have always found Andrew to be extremely helpful, and very reliable. I am happy to recommend his work."

Candy Squire-Watt
Enterprise Coach