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What's Your URP?

Andrew Gibson has published his book, "What's Your URP?".

With over 12 years as a coach supporting people starting or growing small businesses, Andrew has a formula for easy growth which he now shares in "What's Your URP?". In his experiences, too many people obsess about what they do, and try to find different ways of doing it as a means of competing in crowded markets. Andrew's approach helps entrepreneurs take their clients' and customers' view and then to use this to focus their activities on making a life for themselves, not just a living.

The logic is that it is impossible to find a difference from our competitors by looking at ourselves and what we do. Despite inclusion in most business plans, the Unique Selling Point or USP doesn't exist!

Instead, if we consider the customers and clients we help, and the differences we make for them, we can define ourselves in this way and find a unique group of people that we really help. The more of this we do, the more our great stories will be shared by our network. Through word of mouth recommendation, we will start receiving referrals to similar people – our Unique Referral Point or URP – and finding more business becomes easy and rewarding.

Entrepreneurs can access the URP process of taking your ideas for a new business, product or service provision and rapidly develop them into a system in two ways. The book is available in print and Kindle editions on amazon here.

You can also book a 1-2-1 consultation with the author, Andrew Gibson, through the contact form.

This process works. Whether you are a sole trader, have recently purchased a franchise business, or are setting up a multi-level marketing team, the URP process will work for you.

If you are the owner of a business growing with a franchise model, or if you are seeking to build a multi-level marketing business, please read the book or contact me. The URP process fills the gap between recruitment and technical training, and your team enjoying business success. By helping them with word of mouth referral generation, you will increase their security and yours, and will help them realise their full potential as members of your team.


"Andrew is a great guy. I have known him for a few years now. He is a business professional who is supportive and encouraging to those he meets. I have known him take on some very challenging tasks, he always give 100% and a smile into the bargain. I highly recommend Andrew as a business coach."

Christine Garthwaite
Harmonize Collective